Title:CharacterPlanet Beta Launches FREE MMORPG/Online Gaming Network
Category:Games: Online Games
Description:www.CharacterPlanet.com Beta Launches A social MMORPG network and Guild management site like no other. Come see what all the hype is about as you create your profiles and meet up with new/old gamers. We are hosting guild services for FREE! that others are currently paying for. Whether it's creating forums or adding characters into you guild, CP has it! All profiles can be easily customized with html codes, and prizes earned with prize points are available..word limit reached, sign up today!
Meta Keywords:mmorpg mmo rpg game gamer online social network guild guildmanagement free prizes everquest wow world of warcraft lineage uo ultima online coh cov city of heroes city of villains
Meta Description:www.CharacterPlanet.com Beta Launches A social MMORPG network and Guild management site like no other. Come see what all the hype is about as you create your profiles and meet up with new/old gamers. We are hosting guild services for FREE! that others are currently paying for. Whether it's creating forums or adding characters into you guild, CP has it! All profiles can be easily customized with html codes, and prizes earned with prize points are available..word limit reached, sign up today!