Title:Dukane IAS, s.r.o.
Category:Business: Industrial Goods and Services
Description:World leading supplier of equipment for the welding of thermoplastic materials: ultrasonic, vibration, hot plate, spin or laser welders, thermal presses. We provide solutions for automotive, electrical, textile, food and health industries. Testing of weldability, production of ultrasonic sonotrodes, installation, services.
Meta Keywords:join,weld,cut,plastic,ultrasonic,vibration,laser,thermal,hot,plate,spin,sonotrode,electronic,piezoelectric,branson,herrmann,kln
Meta Description:World leading supplier of equipment for the welding of thermoplastic materials: ultrasonic, vibration, hot plate, spin or laser welders, thermal presses. We provide solutions for automotive, electrical, textile, food and health industries. Testing of weldability, production of ultrasonic sonotrodes, installation, services.