Title:Pedal Car Planet
Category:Shopping: Toys and Games
Description:Vintage pedal cars & planes, retro tricycles, Big Wheels, gas pumps, pedal car kits, foot-powered cars, & other ride-on toys that run on kid power, including Mustangs, fire trucks, tow trucks, police cruisers, pedal race cars, all Chrome products, Sad Face, John Deere, Model-T's, Jalopies, & Roadsters. Make great gifts, collectibles, & heirlooms. Free shipping!
Meta Keywords:pedal car,pedal cars,pedal truck,pedal fire truck,pedal plane,pedal airplane,tow truck,child,children,mustang,john deere,kid,antique,vintage,old,toy,toys,ride-on toy,tricycle,pedal car kit,ride-on
Meta Description:Vintage pedal cars & planes, retro tricycles, Big Wheels, gas pumps, pedal car kits, foot-powered cars, & other ride-on toys that run on kid power, including Mustangs, fire trucks, tow trucks, police cruisers, pedal race cars, all Chrome products, Sad Face, John Deere, Model-T's, Jalopies, & Roadsters. Make great gifts, collectibles, & heirlooms. Free shipping!