Title: | The Ajnara Daffodil, Sector 137, NOIDA |
URL: | http://ajnaradaffodilnoida.com/ |
Category: | Real Estate: Commercial |
Description: | Ajnara India Limited, a well known in the real estate industry has been associated with quality, design and effectiveness throughout its vast career. After the grand success of Homes 121, Ajnara unveils its new project- Ajnara Deffodil situated at secor 137, Noida. Is offers 2,3, & 4 BR homes that are polluiton free yet well connected to the outer world. Also there is Club Azalea for the residents to spend their leisure time and relax. |
Meta Keywords: | ajnara daffodil,ajnara daffodil noida,ajnara daffodil apartments sector 137 noida,ajnara daffodil flats,ajnara daffodil apartments |
Pagerank: | N/A |